Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Weighing in

This week didn't set me up for a loss at all. Three days of plays; three days of parties. I ate so differently than usual -- not overeating, just different eating -- that my stomach hurt. And I know it wasn't a huge overeat because I've been photo journaling my food. I knew that would pay off.

My goal was to maintain, so I was thrilled to see a .4 pound loss. Not much, but a definite win. My total loss to date is 70.6 pounds, which is about 20 pounds more than my original goal weight. Success breeds success, I suppose.

I am currently about 30 pounds from my (newest) goal weight, which will put me within the normal range for my height. I was going through old photos last night and this morning, and I was amazed to see how different my face looks just from earlier this year.

My food choices today were mostly good. I was really hungry this morning, which is somewhat unusual, so I ate more than I typically do during breakfast: a serving (1/4 cup?) of steel cut oats + 1 tablespoon coconut manna + 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and a nice juicy orange. So juicy that it squirted me in the face! Bad orange. I showed it and ate the whole thing!

Coconut manna is a recent discovery, and I have to say, I love it. My only complaint is a lazy one. The container and contents have to be above 73 degrees to liquify, so I have to heat it in water. Wah. Really, I usually don't have a clue what I'm going to eat until I get in the kitchen to make it, and it takes longer if I have to heat the coconut manna. It's worth dealing with that little inconvenience. It's delicious and nutritious!

And mid-morning, I got hungry again! Maybe my body is a little more accustomed to my protein smoothie than I realized, so I had a little snack. My dog wanted it too.

Lunch was late because I was busy working on Christmas cards (see the stack in the corner?) and forgot. Or maybe I was just busy enough that it didn't occur to me to eat. Either way, I was pretty hungry by the time I had lunch: roast beef on a roll and some watermelon. I'd like to say that my bitten sandwich was mean to be artsy, but really it was just because I forgot to take the photo until after I'd had my first bite.

I had bought the watermelon a couple of days ago and eaten most of it right away. I had been craving it for some reason. Maybe the Vitamin C? When I'm craving a specific fruit or vegetable, I typically go for it. Cookies, not so much.

Dinner was out, as it was Wednesday. We went to Baker's Square again, just like last week. And because I am a creature of habit, I ordered the same thing: the veggie egg white scrambler. But this time I got French toast instead of the marble rye bread. Take that, habit!

Again, I think I was more hungry than usual because I ate the entire scrambler but left the French toast.

And because it was free pie night, I had the chocolate peanut butter pie. It was a moral imperative. And I forgot to take a photo, but look!

Here's my photo from last week! Just like last week, I only ate half. I really never want more than that, probably because I'm not accustomed to sweets like I was.

So that was My Day in Food. Wednesday is a heavier day for me, but I'm mostly pleased with my choices.

Onward and downward!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Typical day

I can see the appeal of keeping the photo journal of food. According to My Fitness Pal, my calorie allowance is 1260 per day. That isn't a lot.

Today was a typical Thursday, a bit more laid back than most other days of the week. I don't know why it happens that way, but it usually does.

This morning's breakfast was a protein shake made with almond milk and cinnamon. I love the flavor of the cinnamon. I didn't realize that it had so many health benefits until well after I had started using it.

I actually ate a heavier lunch than usual. I fought a migraine all stinkin' day, and I thought it might have been food-related. It wasn't. I still had the migraine after I ate. The egg white veggie omelet and pumpkin yogurt hit the spot though.


My son had a literature discussion group at a coffeehouse this afternoon, so I indulged in a vanilla bean latte. With cinnamon sprinkles on top. This was far more sweet than my usual coffee, so it really felt like an indulgence. It probably was on calorie count too.

We spent two and a half hours at the literature group, and I had to make a Costco run afterward, so I picked up dinner there. I brought it home to eat, obviously, but there was almost no prep work on my part. I diced half a cucumber and a whole Roma tomato, and voila! Done!

The salad mix is a new one for me, some sort of superfood mix with kale. It's a simple bagged salad, but different than the usual fare. I have only recently started eating kale (kale chips, to be specific, so not the most healthy ...), but I've decided I like it. I hope Costco keeps this particular mix. I think I will continue to buy it. I was almost put off by the calorie content (140 calories!), but I realized that it comes with a poppyseed dressing, which I didn't use. As I've shared before, I don't particularly like dressings. I use a tablespoon of olive salad mix instead. It has a great flavor, and it's enough to enhance the salad without overpowering it. That is only 25 calories per serving. ::thumbs up::

No exercise for me today, mostly because of that migraine, which finally left at around 7 pm. I also didn't get my sheets washed, the clean laundry folded, or the Christmas gifts wrapped. I suppose that's what tomorrow is for.

Weighing in

This should have gone up yesterday, but ... whatever. I didn't post for months; one day late is pretty good!

I weighed in at exactly the same as last week. I'm satisfied.

We attended a Christmas party on Saturday, ate out twice on Sunday, and attended a Christmas party (at a Chinese buffet -- OY!) on Monday night. I was fully expecting to have gained a pound.

This week promises to be very busy, although none of the parties we are attending are being held at a restaurant. That helps quite a bit.

In perusing the blog world, I've noticed that several bloggers take photos of their food, daily, at every meal and snack. That is interesting to me, so I did it yesterday, on my weigh in day.

I didn't decide to take the photos until after breakfast, so just imagine a photo of my banana with peanut butter.

Snack was vanilla WhoNu cookies. I can't justify that. Just plain old sweet toothing it.

Lunch was one cup of soup made with the 32 bean mix in the Whole Foods bulk section with a tablespoon of plain Greek yogurt. I've no idea the nutritional value on the soup, but it is probably pretty low in calories. When I made the soup, I added nothing except chicken broth and spices. I love it. The rest of the family, not so much. Stinkers.

We eat out on Wednesday nights because the evening is hectic with our church schedule. My son chose Baker's Square. I had the veggie egg white scrambler (an omelet over potatoes) with marble rye toast. The photo was taken with what I didn't eat because I forgot to take it before I ate! The soda in the photo isn't mine. That belonged to my 5'9" 116-pound son. I wish I had his metabolism.

Wednesday is free pie night, so of course .... I had the chocolate peanut butter pie. Dang sweet tooth! I only ate half though.

Aside from coffee, that's it! The photo-journaling was interesting. When I wanted to get a nibble in the kitchen, I didn't just because I'd have to take a photo. For the moment, I'm going to keep it up.

Happy day to you!

Onward and downward!

Monday, December 10, 2012

::tap tap tap::

Is this thing on? Hello again!

Since my last post I have
  • lost 11.8 pounds
  • hit a total of 70 pounds lost
  • moved out of plus size clothing
  • changed my BMI level from "obese" to "overweight"
  • joined the Y, although I confess I don't use it regularly
  • started attending exercise class at church, which I both love and hate
  • shared my story and struggles with some people in my life
I know that many people who use a blog as an accountability stop posting during a setback. I didn't have a setback, and my rate of loss stayed the same, although it sure felt as if it slowed.

A few of those on the list are really huge for me. I've been in plus size clothing my whole life. Definitely my entire adult life. I automatically went to that section in the store because it's all I've ever been able to wear. It was a shock to find that absolutely nothing fit. I cried as I walked to the regular section. I'm sure the workers thought I was a nut, boo-hooing all the way across the store, but that was a huge accomplishment for me, and those were celebratory tears.