Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Weighin in

Today is the first day of summer, and I've set a goal. I want to get rid of 10 pounds this summer. Last summer I set a much loftier goal. That goal wasn't met, but I worked at it. Really worked. And I lost ... I can't remember ... somewhere around 15 pounds, I think. But considering that I'm a little smaller this year -- and I intend to actually meet the goal -- 10 pounds ought to do.

So here goes ....

Weighing in today, I had higher hopes than the scale reflected. I lost .6 pounds in the past week, and I weighed in at 179 even. But that does give me a nice whole number to begin my summer challenge. :)

I'm finding that I've dropped a lot of the habits that helped me get this far, like logging my exercise. For a while, I was using the Cardio Trainer app, and that really DID work, but it isn't quite enough any more. At the moment, I'll go back to my very first method of writing it on my calendar.

Many people who are on the weight loss journey discuss logging their food, but not the exercise. The food honestly isn't a problem for me at this point. Please do not mistake that for was never a problem. It was. Dreadfully so. But now .... Not only have my habits changed, but my tastes have changed as well. Yes, I can sit and eat an entire bowl of cantaloupe or pineapple. To eat that same size bowl of ice cream makes me feel bloated and nauseated, so I am rarely even tempted.

This week: Exercise, and do it consistently. Period.

Onward and downward!


  1. I am excited to share your journey of 10 pounds gone! I have the same goal. I don't know my starting point yet- our stuff has not arrived from the states yet- so I have no scale. But I am thinking around 10. We can do this. For me- food is the problem. Not exercise. Maybe you can encourage me to eat better and I can encourage you to move more?!?!?!

  2. Sounds good! So far today: Just Dance on the Wii for about 20 minutes.

    But for complete disclosure, I also baked butter pecan cookies. That was probably unwise.

  3. Just Dance is a great workout! What's on the agenda for today? I will be walking a lot today- not able to get to the gym. I am going to take each meal one at a time. Good, healthy choices for my body.

  4. Oh, I walked 2 miles yesterday too! It was like 91 degrees, or I would have done three miles. That's my usual distance. So far today ... I worked at a yard sale! Okay, so that's not a workout, but packing up feels like it was. LOL. I will probably Just Dance again tonight. I love that game. And my husband got the ABBA one for me! SO FUN!

  5. It's been too hot to want to be outside except in the early mornings. Your goal sounds doable. I wish you well! I love my Wii Fit Plus, but have not used it much lately. Maybe I should since it is too hot outside? Hmm.
