Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Weighing in

Whew. Just whew. The past week was significantly better than the previous one, and I am pleased (and -- to be honest -- relieved) that it showed on the scale.

I lost 2.8 pounds this week! While that doesn't completely eliminate last week's incredible gain, it did take out a sizable chunk.

What makes me feel even better about that loss is the amount of time I've spent making treats in the kitchen, specifically sausage balls, lemon squares, and pumpkin muffins. And I admit it: I did snack! I snacked more than I should have. I had sausage balls for breakfast one morning! But after that bit of indulgence, I put the sausage balls in the freezer (for our Christmas Eve fiesta), gave away over half of the lemon squares, and ... well, I am just restraining myself on the muffins.

Now for this week: I will be in the kitchen again, still baking. That can't be helped. However, this past week has made me realize that I need a plan for getting RID of the excess because that availability is what hurts me. I have enough willpower not to get the sausage balls out of the freezer, but not so much that the ones on the counter don't call to me. Over the next week I'll be making date balls, candy kisses, and peanut butter fudge, all of which can be frozen -- and will be as soon as possible!

Onward and downward!


  1. I am baking cookies today and this Friday. The ones from today will go to church tonight. Hopefully I can resist them in the house for an afternoon. The ones on Friday will go into the freezer in the garage. I am like you. Those will not tempt me. This year we are doing things quite differently. In years past, I'd bake all December long and eat as I baked. This year, we are eating only on the holidays themselves. Excess can go to friends. Good job to us!
