Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Weighing in

Oh how I hate to write this one. Hate, hate, hate. I've been procrastinating all morning because I didn't want to 'fess up.

I gained 3.6 pounds. YES.

I knew it would be bad, but I didn't expect THAT bad. I don't think I have ever gained that much in one week before. A friend tried to rationalize it and say, "Well, it was the first major holiday since your dad passed away" and "You were traveling" and "It's a holiday centered around food!" and such. Those are all true, but I could have done better and I know it.

This gain puts me back to where I was at the beginning of November. Well, nothing to be done but tackle it (again).

Onward and downward!


  1. Ugh. I am glad that you are not letting this get to you. We are in a fight for our lives. It is going to be worth all the pain when we get to our goal. And I believe that you can do it!

  2. I am proud of us for "fessing" up! Not an easy thing to do! All we can do is put it behind us and move ahead (and hopefully down) :)
    We can do this! I know we can!!!

  3. Hey, how are you doing? Just checking! :-)
