Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Weighing in

Christmas was nice, but I suppose HERE comes the bah humbug!

This week was a gain of 1.4 pounds. BAH HUMBUG! LOL!

Normally there is something specific that I can pinpoint, but this week I really can't. I think it was a combination of not working out as much as usual AND eating things I don't normally eat. I don't think I did any sort of workout until Monday because I simply didn't have the time, plus we had so many rich and sweet foods that I don't normally have. All of that added up to over a pound, I suppose!

Since Christmas I've gone back to much more typical eating. Except today, when I made my Memaw's dumplings. Which I refuse to regret!

I was hoping to be about 7 pounds lighter by January 1. Alas, I don't think that's happening. But it's all good. I'm still in it!

Onward and downward! :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

What 50 pounds looks like

Taken January 2009. This was my "this is it; I've had enough" moment. When I weighed in for the first time the next morning, the scale showed 237 pounds.

Taken the month before, at Christmas 2008. I wasn't ready to face reality then. Why a month made a difference is beyond me.

Taken the first weekend of December 2011. The scale has been sitting right at 187 (give or take a pound) since October.

Taken Christmas morning 2011. 

I'm not finished. Not a bit. I still have at least 40 pounds to go. But now that I'm this far, I'm realizing just how much work I've done, and looking through those old photos just solidified that. 

A friend who has lost over 100 pounds commented not long ago that she didn't want anyone to see her old photos. Ever. I considered that, and I've decided that I need those old, horrid photos. I hate them, but I do feel that I need them. I want to be able to look back and say that it IS possible to overcome those previous years of sloth and gluttony. It's just a matter of deciding to do so and educating yourself on how.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Weighing in

I've lost 50 pounds over the 18 months. Yes, I know it's slow, but it has been a real learning process for me. And now I really can say that I fully understand when someone says it's just as much about the journey as the end result.

My little scale-step this morning put me up by .2 pounds. And I'm totally good with that!

Today, I can really tell how far I've come. Last year I don't remember even thinking about weighing in, calories, energy expended. Not during the holidays. This year, it is on my mind daily. I don't obsess over it, but I do consider it before I eat anything.

This week we'll be having our 12th annual Christmas Eve Mexican Fiesta, then our usual Christmas feast. I honestly don't think I will be able to focus on exercise very much until after Christmas Eve. And I'm a baking fiend right now! The cream cheese filled snickerdoodles are a sincere temptation. Cream cheese is like kryptonite to me! I'm hoping that we have hungry people at the party and they eat all of the goodies.

Right now it's hard for me to put in the proper exercise time, plus get ready for our Christmas Eve fiesta, plus do schoolwork, plus do our volunteer work, plus do family activities .... Maintaining is a perfectly acceptable course of action for me right now!

After Christmas though ... watch out!

Onward and downward! :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

December goal

Yes, I realize we're halfway in already. I've been thinking about this for a few days, but I haven't done more than think about it. Suddenly I've realized that this month in particular should have a goal. It is easy to get distracted with all of the busy fun and not remember that I need to focus on my personal goals.

My goal for December is to walk 110 miles.

So now it's out there. Lofty? Perhaps. My highest walking month to date is June 2011 at 104 miles. In June I could walk outside (comfortably!) and get a little additional exercise in. Now I really can't, not when it's 29 degrees out there. And in June we weren't doing schoolwork for several hours a day.

But at mid-month, I've already walked 55 miles, so I think it is not an unreachable goal. I'm going for it.

Anyone want to join with a goal?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Weighing in

This week was rough. It really was. Not only was I baking cookies, but we also went to a birthday party where I succumbed to the temptation of focaccia bread. I'm not proud of it, but I did. And since then I've been working myself almost double-time to make up for it. Then to top it off, we had a Christmas party the very next day -- at a buffet!

So when I stepped on the scale this morning and saw a .4 pound loss, I was thrilled!!

I was telling a friend just yesterday that I am almost not even concerned with losing right now, during the holidays. I just don't want to gain!

After the birthday bread debacle, I decided to set some rules for myself before heading to that buffet.

  1. No cream sauces. This is easy because (for the most part) I'm not a fan. I do like gravy on potatoes though, so that's really where that fit in.
  2. Whole foods only. The biggie. If it is in its whole form, go for it. If not, exercise caution. I ate steak, green beans, cooked carrots, and a small helping of mashed potatoes. And of course, a salad. The green beans were sauteed and the carrots were buttered, but I am pleased with how I managed. 
  3. Eat mindfully. Be aware of what's going on the plate AND what it offers me nutritionally.
To be perfectly honest, those last two are how I eat every day. I just haven't been that careful at going out because we don't go to those sorts of places often enough for it to matter. Except now it seems as if everything matters, quite a bit, so I can't use my usual strategy of "anything is all right in moderation."

So here's to another fit week, navigating the calorie pitfalls.

Onward and downward!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Weighing in

Whew. Just whew. The past week was significantly better than the previous one, and I am pleased (and -- to be honest -- relieved) that it showed on the scale.

I lost 2.8 pounds this week! While that doesn't completely eliminate last week's incredible gain, it did take out a sizable chunk.

What makes me feel even better about that loss is the amount of time I've spent making treats in the kitchen, specifically sausage balls, lemon squares, and pumpkin muffins. And I admit it: I did snack! I snacked more than I should have. I had sausage balls for breakfast one morning! But after that bit of indulgence, I put the sausage balls in the freezer (for our Christmas Eve fiesta), gave away over half of the lemon squares, and ... well, I am just restraining myself on the muffins.

Now for this week: I will be in the kitchen again, still baking. That can't be helped. However, this past week has made me realize that I need a plan for getting RID of the excess because that availability is what hurts me. I have enough willpower not to get the sausage balls out of the freezer, but not so much that the ones on the counter don't call to me. Over the next week I'll be making date balls, candy kisses, and peanut butter fudge, all of which can be frozen -- and will be as soon as possible!

Onward and downward!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Today, I

  • ... feel in control.
  • ... miss my dad so much it hurts.
  • ... made lemon squares. They were delicious.
  • ... refuse to be worried about tomorrow's weigh in. Whatever is, is.
  • ... was surprised by how much my children have learned through witnessing MY journey.
  • ... am worth the effort.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Weighing in

Oh how I hate to write this one. Hate, hate, hate. I've been procrastinating all morning because I didn't want to 'fess up.

I gained 3.6 pounds. YES.

I knew it would be bad, but I didn't expect THAT bad. I don't think I have ever gained that much in one week before. A friend tried to rationalize it and say, "Well, it was the first major holiday since your dad passed away" and "You were traveling" and "It's a holiday centered around food!" and such. Those are all true, but I could have done better and I know it.

This gain puts me back to where I was at the beginning of November. Well, nothing to be done but tackle it (again).

Onward and downward!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Weighing in


Today's weigh in showed a 2 pound loss! HOT DIGGITY DOG!

That makes my total weight loss 50.2 pounds. Holey moley. Is it strange to be astonished by my success? I know the efforts that I've put in, and I know the strides that I've taken. But I also know the struggles I've had, and I suppose I'm surprised by my ability to work through them.

So I didn't make the 50 pound goal by last month's trip to my hometown. That's all right. I'm there now!

This week will have the challenge of travel, a rich Thanksgiving feast, and more travel. I'm just hoping the weather will cooperate so that I can go for a nice walk on a few of those days.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


A fitness place in the area had an open house, and five of the contestants from The Biggest Loser (Season 11) were there. (And one contestant from another show that I didn't know. His name is Alex, and he seemed quite nice.)

See if you can guess which one is me (har-de-har-har)!

 I wish the photos were better, but alas. It was busy. There was a nice question-and-answer session, but I missed most of it because my neighbor (who joined me) got stuck in the crush of people at Costco.

It was interesting, and I might join the fitness center. My husband and I are discussing it. We checked out the YMCA earlier this month. This facility is better, and it has the added benefit of being open 24/7. Plus, my neighbor might join and I'd have a workout buddy. The only drawback is the children. Fewer options at this place. As I said, we're discussing.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Unintended consequences

Tonight I went in search of a snack. In my search I came across a container of fudge that we had bought on Mackinac Island.

I didn't want it.

Not a bit. Not at all. It shocked me, to be so completely uninterested in it.

I looked around a bit and realized that I really just wanted a banana with a bit of peanut butter. And again I was shocked.

It happened earlier today as well, when I had to make a lunch choice at a festival. I chose a barbecue chicken sandwich and fries, but I ended up giving the whole thing to my husband. Then i went to  get a salad.

Who is this person I have become? Is this what it feels like to be healthy, to be in control and cognizant of how those little choices matter? And perhaps most importantly, I wonder when it moved from willpower to preference.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Dreaded Driver's License

Show of hands: How many of you have fibbed the weight on your driver's license? ("Lied" is such an ugly word.)

::raising hand::

In the interest of full disclosure, the weight I had listed was the last weight I knew. I just stopped getting on the scale and really had no idea. But it was still a fib because I knew I didn't weigh that!

With some discipline and hard work, I can make that driver's license weight a reality by the end of November. Although -- amusingly! -- last year when I got my license renewed, I put my real weight. It was yet another physical reminder of my reality, a way for me to face the facts. Now I'm over 30 pounds down from that weight. My son says that the photo doesn't even look like me now.

So that is my next goal, to get to that fibbed-for-many-years weight. I'm four pounds away.

I break my goals down into 5-pound increments because when I'm looking at the big picture, it seems insurmountable. And it isn't. I always have to remember that!

Weighing in

Well, well, well. This week was looking pretty good ... until today! LOL!
This morning I was down .2 lbs since last week. I had been consistently running about .6 lbs until today. Still, I'll take it.

Yesterday I found myself wanting to snack and snack and snack. And I DID ... for about 5 minutes. Then I made myself put away the bag of pita puffs and DO something. So I went out to rake the leaves.

Unfortunately that was the only workout I got yesterday. My original plans for roller skating went awry because my daughter wasn't feeling well. I should have gotten on the treadmill, but I didn't. She needed some comforting, and I was needed there. By the time she didn't need me so much, I was busy with dinner preparations, then bedtime preparations, then I was just too tired. Excuses, excuses!

Morning is best for me. I know that. But I sometimes get ... lazy? lax? something ... when I have a planned activity for later in the day. It might be best for me to keep in mind that things don't always go as planned.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Weighing in

Feelin' groovy!

Today's scale-step showed a 1.4 lb loss! WHOA BUDDY! I'll take that! That puts me at a total of 48 pounds shed. Or maybe it's back to that. I can't remember how far I got before The October hit.

I have definitely not gotten my exercise back where it was (or where it should be). I've never realized how easy it is to break down those routines that I've worked so hard to establish. Of course, the 10 months of activity is competing with 30+ years of sloth, so it shouldn't be all that surprising. It's just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other and doing what I know needs to be done.

My eating habits must have been an easier change. They have stayed the same, except for when I wasn't at home and relied on others for my meals (whether that was fast food or something that another person made for us). Once I was back at home in my own space, I went straight back to my new-normal eating patterns.

So for this week, I'll need to simply make sure I get in the workouts, a minimum of five hours for the week. Easy as that. (Har-de-har-har.)

Onward and downward!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Library victory

The people on the My Fitness Pal forums call them non-scale victories, but I'm not certain that I would like to adopt that term. It is certainly true, but it's a reminder of that dratted scale, which certainly isn't where we live out our lives. Perhaps we can think of a term together, but until then I'll just stick with the generic "victory" term.

Yesterday the urchins and I went to the library. This used to be a very, very common activity. We were there three or four times a week. Then they started remodeling. The sawdust and whatever construction-y stuff gave me a headache, plus they had blocked off entire sections from public use. Then one thing and another happened, and we had not been to the library in about 6 weeks or so. (I am cringing just writing that, but it is true.)

The library staff has done some rearranging in our absence. The shelves have been moved to accommodate some of the construction, and they are much closer together. MUCH closer. Here is a photo of my 9-year-old daughter in one of the rows.

I think looking at her feet illustrates it best. She wears a size 4 shoe. This wasn't even the tightest row, but it was one of the typical ones. Turning the corners on some I had to hug the shelf to get around it.

My victory? I wasn't worried about fitting in the rows. Fifty pounds ago I would have. And I honestly don't think I would have made it around some of those corners. Yesterday I was more worried about my purse and tote knocking the books off than I was about my body. It felt good.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weighing in

Well, well, well. As we all know, I step on the scale daily, although I only count Wednesday's weigh in for my chart. To be honest, it wasn't looking all that great.
Imagine my surprise when I got on today and had a .6 pound loss! WOOT! So, that puts me back where I was two weeks ago, but hey ... I'll take it.

I actually haven't *eaten* all that much over the past few days because I've been sick. I have had some canned soups, which have a high sodium content and aren't part of my regular diet, so I'm guessing the "extra" has stuck around because of that. Yesterday was closer to normal, as far as eating goes, although I'm not thrilled that I ended up eating pizza for dinner.

Last night was roller skating, and either I exerted myself a lot more than I normally do, or being sick has worn me down. I was exhausted when I got home at 9 pm! I was in the bed by 9:15, letting the husband, the urchins, and the dogs fend for themselves. I hope everyone at least brushed their teeth.

So ... this week. Getting my diet back to what it should be and working out at least 5 days. Workout was a no-go on Monday, but I'm sure counting skating last night!

I hear a treadmill calling my name ....

Onward and downward!

Monday, October 31, 2011


I feel like being a whiny whiner from Whinersville today.

I'm sick.

I had cheese fries for lunch. Or rather, WITH my lunch since I had an Italian beef too.

I didn't work out today.

But ...

I drank a ton of water today, and this evening I felt fine. Or at least well enough for the trick-or-treaters.

my other two meals were very reasonable (banana + peanut butter for breakfast, cereal + blueberries and almond milk for dinner). And I've just realized that I didn't have any candy, unless cough drops count. That was just because I didn't want any though, not because of any wonderful willpower effort on my part.

I walked all over the neighborhood with my urchins in the trick-or-treat bonanza this evening. Workout? No, but it was two solid hours of walking around, and I could feel it by the time we got home.

All in all, my bad day isn't really so bad.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10 Things About Me

Shamelessly stealing this from Jill, who didn't tag me, but I'm butting into the game any old way.

So here goes ... ten things that you didn't know and probably don't care about one way or the other but I'm telling you anyway! :)

1. I do not have an addictive personality. I find it hard to get attached to simple things -- like television shows I enjoy. (I've realized that my snacktackular habits come from *availability* rather than addiction.)

2. I used to work at a comedy club. During my five-year stint there I did almost everything except actually get on the stage. Sold tickets, seated customers, tended bar, served, even cooked once. I took Judy Tenuta to Graceland. I had dinner with Chris Rock. I went shoe shopping with Thea Vidale. It was a fun time.

3. I only give three Christmas gifts to each of my children and my husband. My son's first Christmas was an overwhelming eye-opener, and my husband and I decided to deal with it right then. For the past twelve years, each person has only gotten three gifts, symbolic of the three gifts the wise men brought to Jesus.

4. I loathe ketchup. Most condiments and dressings, actually, but ketchup actually makes me ill.

5. My dad was a mechanic, and by the time I was 10 I could take apart a starter or alternator and put it back together.

6. My favorite thing to do in my dad's shop was clean parts with the sand blaster. The black leather gloves reminded me of Darth Vader.

7. My husband and I were so poor when we got married that my weekly grocery budget was $17. At the time we lived in a place where there were roadside vegetable stands from backyard gardens at just about every house -- $1 for a paper bag of tomatoes, $2 for a plastic bag of squash, $1 for a paper bag of cucumbers .... Those roadside stands saved my grocery budget numerous times.

8. I have a BA in English, a BA in history, and an MA in history.

9. I am the second person (and so far, the last) in my entire family to go to college. The first was my uncle, who is a doctor.

10. I love Star Trek. Original series, please!

That was a fun trip down memory lane. :) If you're reading, consider yourself tagged! And leave a comment so I'll know to read yours!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weighing in

Ah, drat. This morning's weigh showed another gain -- .6 pounds.

This one doesn't surprise me. It doesn't make me happy, but I'm not surprised. I've been spending entirely too much time in the kitchen (and thus, snacking more) and significantly less time moving.

I could blame it on lots of things, but I think that's the issue. And what is the point in doing if I'm not honest about it?

My CardioTrainer shows that I've only walked 11 miles in the last 7 days when I'm normally around 25 miles for a 7-day total. And those 11 miles were a total of two days. Yep. I only bothered to do it two days in the last week (Wednesday to Wednesday). Granted, there is nothing shabby about 11 miles in two days, but if those are the ONLY two days ... well, I see what happens.

Snacking has always been an issue for me, and I *had* conquered it. Apparently the snack-monster is on the loose again, and I have to put him back in his cage.

So, a new week. I'm going to start logging my foods into My Fitness Pal again. I think having to log it makes it more "real" to me, and perhaps that will help. The weather has turned chilly, so I'll be hitting the treadmill -- a lot more than I was!

Onward and downward! :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Yesterday I was faced with an odd dilemma.

It was a beautiful day, the first non-rainy day we've had since we got back home on Monday. Because it was a nice opportunity to get out and enjoy the sunshine, I wanted to take advantage of it with the children. But I also wanted to exercise.

Aside: I realize that my main form of exercise is walking, which can almost anyone can do. However, I have a really hard time exercise-walking with my children. They are easily distracted ("Oooh, Mom! Look at this!"), and truly, sometimes they simply have a hard time keeping up. As a result, I don't exercise WITH them. Sometimes they are in the same room, doing their own thing, but it isn't something we do together.

And then, in the midst of my internal deliberations, I came to a realization: The exercise is a means to an end. Exercising and losing the weight is so that I can spend more quality time with my family.

So we went to an apple orchard, and it was wonderful. Was it exercise? No. Definitely not. But it was ACTIVE. We had a fantastic time wandering the orchard, finding and comparing the different varieties of apples. All total, we walked two miles or more since we didn't ride the tractor to get to the picking area.

If I have a choice between doing something with them -- especially something active -- and doing something on my own, the best choice (for ME) is to do something with them. WITH them, not near them.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weighing in

First weigh-in after a stressful couple of weeks. I'll admit I was worried.

I gained .8 pounds. While (obviously) it isn't great, it could have been a lot worse. I ate what was available (mostly casseroles and sweets), didn't exercise, and generally spent the last two weeks sitting around.

On Monday I drove back to my house, and yesterday was the first time I had exercised in two weeks. I was pleased to learn that I had missed it.

Working toward a loss next week. Onward and downward!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Life happens

My dad has been in the hospital for a while. For a month, actually. He is in ICU, and tomorrow I'm heading out to do what I can to help the family. Regular exercise is going to fall aside for a while, although I do plan to take advantage of any available walking time at the parks or trails. I'll still make the best food choices that I can, but I expect for my weight loss to drop off.

Here's to maintenance when life gets in the way of my plans!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Weighing in

HECK YEAH! ::fist pump::

This morning's weigh in showed a 1.6 pound loss! That moves me into a new tens place, and it is a new low on the scale. Total weight loss so far is 47.4 pounds.

I am within 10 pounds of my original goal weight, which to be honest was just a number that I picked out of the air. Starting from as high as I did, the goal of getting rid of that much seemed insurmountable. Now that I've made it this far, I'm ready to face the facts and readjust my goals downward a bit.

With those readjusted goals, I've got 49 pounds to go.

Onward and downward!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Activity victory!

I went roller skating tonight. It wasn't the first time that I had taken the children to this particular rink, but it was the first time that *I* went roller skating with them. Normally I just sit and read my book, but today I got a pair of skates and joined them.

Roller skating used to be my thing! Friday and Saturday nights were always spent at the Skateland, and I was pretty good. Of course, that was 25 years and a hundred pounds ago.

The skating tonight was a lot more work than I remember it, but it was a wonderful time. And for the first time, it really felt like a victory, just getting out there on the skates. I didn't really care what other people thought, that I was a lot more wobbly than I expected, or that my legs felt like pudding when I got home.


I loved it.

My children were delighted.

Tomorrow is a weigh-in day. No matter what the scale says, I feel -- today, at this moment -- that I am winning.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Serving sizes

One of my (very few) rules of eating is KNOW THY SERVING SIZE. Even my children know to check the serving size and make determinations accordingly. We all do it automatically now.

Today I had an individually packaged container of hummus for a post-workout snack, and I logged it into My Fitness Pal. I was shocked to find that the little individual container isn't one serving. It's TWO! I had read the nutrition information, but I suppose I never thought to check the serving size as well because ... hello! ... it's labeled "singles" which to me denotes "one serving." Apparently it doesn't mean that to everyone!

Let this be a reminder to myself: Know the serving size. Don't assume it!

An odd sort of victory

I am a thrift store shopper. I love, love, love the thrifts. I love the "what can I find today" fun of it as well as the bargains, but I never bought clothing for myself there because the plus sizes are hard to find.

We have been moving things around at home, rearranging rooms, and cleaning out unnecessary stuff is part of that. So ... off to the thrift store with 4 bags of stuff. Our thrift gives a 15% off coupon to use in the store as part of the "thank you" for donating. So, of course, we had to use it.

My daughter was looking for a new pair of roller blades, and she found a few pair that she liked. While she sat down to try them on, I looked through the t-shirts I happened to be standing beside. I pulled out one that I liked but looked a little small for me. Size XL. Well, what the heck. The dressing room right there, so I decided to try it on to see how far I had to go.

Aside: Am I the only one who buys "goal clothing"?

I'll be darned. IT FIT. I couldn't believe it. It fit a little closer that I was used to, but I've always worn my clothing too big (so says my neighbor). I bought it, washed it, and wore it yesterday. And I felt perfectly comfortable.

When I started, all of my shirts were 3X, and I was moving into 4X. I had to give those away because they were falling off my shoulders, and I have been making do with some of my husband's old t-shirts in addition to the couple of respectable things I had gotten at the department store. (I didn't think I could get away with a "Come to the Dark Side; We Have Cookies" t-shirt while chatting around the coffee table at church.)

How strange is it that I am thrilled to be able to shop at the THRIFT STORE for my clothing! I am thrilled, I tell you. THRILLED! And I can (at least occasionally) wear normal XL shirts, not the just the ones from the plus side of the store!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weighing in

::happy weight loss dance::

Can you tell? I LOST THIS WEEK! Wahooooo!! 

I'm down 2.6 pounds this week for a total of ... dum, dum, duuuuum ... 45.8 pounds! And I hit a new low on the scale. YAY ME!

This week wasn't particularly wonderful on workouts OR food (thank you, Costco, for your yummalicious Very Berry Sundae which my rotten children wouldn't help me eat). To be honest, I think the loss is in part to moving books and furniture around in the house. Seriously, I think that that moving two desks, four bookshelves, and the books in those shelves should count for strength training. And maybe cardio, since we had to move them up and down stairs. Plus cleaning the spaces before and after. WHEW. It has been a very busy week.

I still have quite a bit more to do on the rearranging, so maybe that can help next week's weigh in as well! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


These are my favorite, most used tools in making meals for myself.

Food scale. It measures in both grams and ounces. I used to use a postage scale and converted from ounces to grams. This is a lot easier on the math!

Measuring spoons. While I have a whole set of those stacking measuring spoons (and measuring cups), the ones which get the most use are the tablespoon and the 1/4 cup spoons. The 1/4 cup one also measures to 1/8 cup.

Measuring cups. The smaller glass measuring cup was an impulse purchase several years ago, but it proved -- even then -- to be very valuable. It measures teaspoons and tablespoons, and individual ounces up to 4 ounces. Incredibly useful. This one is a replacement for the first one, which my daughter broke. It wasn't until then that I realized how much I used it, even before I was watching my food intake. The larger glass measuring cup goes to 1 cup. I do use a larger 2-cup measuring cup, but these are the two that get used daily, and usually at every meal.

The plant. His name is Charles. He's just there for moral support.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weighing in


I'd love to report a nice loss -- even a small one -- but I can't. The whole point of this is keepin' it real, yo. So the truth of it is this: I gained 1.4 pounds.


I could tell over the last few days that I was losing focus. I've had a few stressful things going on. In the past I've just walked while I mulled things over. Lately I've been sitting on my (apparently BIGGER) behind while mulling.

No more! I am not a quitter! Onward and downward, right?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Banana Nut Muffins

I've been making this recipe for years (adapted from a now-out-of-print breads cookbook), so this week when I entered the recipe into the recipe calculator on My Fitness Pal I wasn't expecting good things. When it calculated to be only 112 calories per muffin, I squealed with delight!

The original recipe is as a loaf bread, but those tend to be messier for my little urchins, so I skip the loaf pan and put the batter into muffins instead.


Banana Nut Muffins

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1 egg
4 tablespoons canola oil
1 large soft ripe (or overripe) banana (about 3/4 cup)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar. Mix in pecans.

In a smaller bowl beat egg with milk and oil. Blend in banana. Add banana mixture to flour mixture.

Spoon batter into muffin cups and bake until done (about 25 minutes). Makes 24 regular sized muffins.

If you opt for the original loaf bread, the cooking time is about an 70 minutes.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


If quitting is an option, then succeeding was never your plan.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Harsh reality

Maybe it's the "I'm back from vacation" slump. Maybe it's just laziness. Maybe it's because I've had multiple people mention how noticeable my weight loss is now. I'm not certain of the reason, but I've been feeling ... lax ... lately. Not on the nutrition really, but in not wanting to take the time, put in the effort of working out. Mid-loss crisis?

So this morning I decided to see where I really stand in the scheme of it all. I did some number-crunching this morning using the CDC website's BMI calculator.

Woooo. That was a huge dose of reality. I may be down almost 45 pounds from where I started, but I still need to lose almost 30 pounds MORE before I can get into the "overweight" category.

That's right. I was 75 pounds into the "obese" category when I started. I don't believe I had ever thought about it in those terms before, probably because I didn't want to see it or face it. And it might have seemed a little overwhelming. Or possibly a LOT. Now it seems a little more manageable since I'm looking at it from the "I've gotten this far" perspective, but still. That's a toddler-sized chunk of weight I need to lose to get there.

So ... I had been floundering and waffling without realizing it. Now the floundering is over, and I have a specific goal. The next hurdle is to get into the "overweight" BMI category, far enough out there that I'll have to work for it, but not far enough to be discouraging.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Salad greens ~ I think it was the "herb mix"
Cucumber ~ about half of a cucumber
Tomato ~ 1 whole Roma tomato
Strawberries ~ about 5, sliced in half lengthwise
Prunes ~ about 5, cut into quarters
Zucchini, squash, and onions ~ maybe half a cup (?), leftovers from grilling this weekend, grilled with olive oil spritz
Steak ~ about 2 oz, cut into about 1/2 inch cubes

And for the dressing, I used 1/4 cup of Hannah Tabouleh. I don't like salad dressings, and this gives it a great flavor without being heavy.

The bread is ciabatta bread from Trader Joe's spread with a garlic herb goat cheese. Tasty, tasty lunch, all for under 600 calories.

Oh, and there is coffee in that cup. Don't judge me.

Weighing in

Down 1 pound since last week, which brings my total weight loss to 44.6 pounds. Kind of exciting!

My next mini-goal is to get 50 pounds down. I'd like to be there by October 6, but that's a bit ambitious for me. I've been doing some calculations, and I have (over the last year or so) averaged about half a pound a week. It's a bit lower than most people who are actively losing, but I am fine with it.

My activity and intake are sustainable, which is what is most important to me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Weighing in

The post-vacation one! Did you miss me terribly? Think of me often? :)

I am thrilled to report that I gained .4 pounds! That doesn't sound quite right, does it?

Well, this is post-vacation, where I didn't technically work out once, although I did climb Castle Rock, walk Whitefish Point (including climbing the lighthouse), walk Oswald's Bear Ranch, and walk all over Mackinac Island. Among several other things! It was a fantastic vacation!

It made me realize how inactive I am in my daily life. Not that I sit around and am a sloth, but I don't get OUT and DO like that. For a long time I was taking the children out to some tourist place at least once a week. That was when we had moved and were getting familiar with the area. Since we've been here over a year now, I had stopped without even realizing it. I'm thinking I ought to get back to it.

While I'm pleased that I didn't gain a lot on vacation, I'm back in the groove and hoping to be down at least a pound by next week!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Weighing in

YES! Today's weigh in showed a 1 pound loss! FINALLY! It's a new low, and it puts my total lost at 44 pounds.

Not quite where I wanted to be at this point, but I'll take it! I'm still stuck right around the same number, I've kicked the pace up a little bit on my exercise, so maybe that has helped push through. Of course, I'll be traveling again over the next week -- which NEVER helps! -- so I'm a little anxious over what might happen then.

I am being proactive, taking two of my most important tools: my measuring cup and measuring spoon. I'm not confident enough that I can measure out a tablespoon of creamer or 4 oz of milk without them, so I'll just have to look a little odd at the breakfast. The hotel has an exercise room, so I also plan to use that treadmill!

Monday, August 15, 2011

12-Week Sprint: Week 12

Week 12! EEK! I honestly can't believe how fast the summer has gone by. It was 59 degrees here this morning. Hello, fall! Dropping by a bit early, eh?

Fitness:  I've added 2.5 pound ankle weights as well as 2 pound hand weights to my walk, and I can tell that those little additions have made it much more challenging. After the first walk with them, I was questioning whether I should use them again because I was wiped out! And then I realized that at one time I didn't have a CHOICE on whether to put down that extra 9 pounds. And now I am thinking about putting them down just because it's harder? What kind of crazy logic is that?! ::smack::

Nutrition: I'm finding that getting at least 75% of the calcium requirement isn't difficult to manage if I plan it in, but the problem is that I don't always WANT the foods that will get me there. Selfish? Yes. But truthful. I'm going to experiment with coffee/almond milk/yogurt smoothies to see if I can make a tasty snack that will help. I do love my coffee.

Motivation: No books this week, but I have been taking motivation from all around me, whether it is a church marquee, a friend's comment that I look better, or the "reward" pants in my closet that fit but need a bit more work from me to look good.

This week: Keep on keepin' on! We'll be traveling this weekend and part of next week, so I want to get in extra an extra exercise time every day this week. Since I've got so much to do before we leave, I don't know how possible that is, but I'm going to try. I already did my morning walk, and this afternoon I'm taking my two urchins + two friends to the Museum of Science & Industry. I'm guessing I'll be chasing the two youngest at least. Maybe that will count for my extra walk today? :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011


"Cultivate good habits. Bad ones will grow wild."

I saw this on a church marquee this week, and boy-howdy, isn't it the truth?! It really is important, so important, to cultivate those things that we WANT around because we always have our old (sinful, slothful, gluttonous ... choose an adjective) nature that WILL take over if we aren't watchful.

Old cemeteries beautiful to me, and I always find it a little sad when one is overgrown. The visual reminder is striking though. When we don't actively trim back those bad habits, they will grow and quite possibly overtake something we see as dear.

What a reminder of how important it is to be a active caretakers of our bodies as well as our souls.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Moving forward

Yesterday's weigh-in stunk, but I've got nothing to blame but my own lack of motivation.

When the urchins and I were out shopping, I came across some small hand weights at Five Below. I probably looked like a fool, standing there trying out the 1 pound vs. the 2 pound! I decided on the 2 pound, got two of them, and used them today. I did my usual 4-mile walk -- which has become sort of my standard -- and I really liked them. It felt more challenging, and I changed up a couple of the moves to incorporate the weights a little better.

It was a challenge getting in a workout at all because of scheduling, and every time I tried I was thwarted in some way. In fact, I had actually started around 3:30 and 7 minutes into it, I remembered that my son had art class, and we were already 5 minutes late leaving! We dropped everything and rushed off. By the time we got back, I really should have started dinner, but the children wanted to play outside anyway. I let them and used that time.

Yesterday's exercise epiphany is what made me FIND the time. I think on a "normal" day, I would have just let it go. This determination needs to be the new normal.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weighing in

Oh lawzy. Well, it could have been worse! This week's weigh in showed me at exactly the same weight as last week.

As I mentioned, I do get on the scale daily and write it on my calendar. I wasn't expecting much, although there was the hint that I might have lost at least the half-pound gain from last week. But this morning ... nope.

I've been musing over it all day. I could attribute it to a couple of different things, but to be perfectly honest ... I think it's because I didn't exercise as much. I looked back over my week, then my exercise diary, and sure enough, only ONE day in the last week did I put in what I consider a full workout. I did two half-workouts, one 3/4-workout, one full workout and three nothing days.

Yeah. Three days where I didn't do a workout at all! I wasn't sitting on the couch or anything. In fact, one day we walked all over the Museum of Science & Industry, and that is not a small building! But I didn't make myself WORK with it; it didn't make me all sweaty and gross (the other museum-goers appreciate that ...), and it certainly didn't get my heart rate up (except maybe the explosion experiments in the rotunda).

My calorie counts were consistently at or below my target. The only difference was my exercise commitment! That's a wake-up call for sure. How many times to I have to be taught this lesson? I guess until I learn it!

So today I added an extra 20 minutes to the 60 minutes I normally do. I don't know how often I can do that since school has started again and I have significantly more time constraints, but I'm going to shoot for three times a week. If I can do it, it will be the equivalent of an extra workout, which might help me push through to the next level.

Monday, August 8, 2011

12-Week Sprint: Week 11

Almost at the end, the last week push-through!

Fitness: Not as consistent as in past weeks. Part of that is due to obligations, but not all of it. I think I'm getting bored with doing nothing but walking. I'd like to move some strength exercises in, but to be honest, I don't have a clue how or what to do. Tomorrow is a library day, so I am going to look for a book on strength exercises.

Nutrition: Nothing new to report on foods. I do think that logging my intake has really helped me recognize the calorie cost for various foods. At first I changed what I was eating because of the calories. Now I think my tastes are changing. I'm more accustomed to fresher, lighter foods, and the heavy fare isn't really as appetizing. But it has the added bonus of being healthier! Also, I've noticed that I never reach the daily recommended amount for calcium. The most I have even gotten is 70%, and that was with actively trying. Usually it's closer to 40%. Not good considering that I am a ::gulp:: middle-aged woman! I'll be trying to get that number up to 75% -- consistently.

Motivation: Haven't read anything health-and-fitness related this week. (Or at least if I DID, it didn't stick with me and isn't worth mentioning.) My motivation this week has come from recognizing -- and enjoying! -- the new-found freedom I have. Do I really have more freedom? Probably not, but it FEELS like it. I am willing to do more, and even push myself a bit in the process.

This week: You know it. Just keep on keepin' on. Just with more calcium!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stepping on the scale

There is a huge debate in the weight-loss circles over something as simple as how often to weigh. It both annoys and amuses me. I don't see it as One True Answer For Everyone.

Some people can stress and obsess over it and have it become a distraction. For me, it is just the opposite. I find it motivating and helpful.

I weigh myself daily -- same time, same place, same type of clothing. The daily weight gets logged on the "personal stuff" calendar I have in my closet. For "official" weigh-in purposes, I only count Wednesday's weigh-in, but I log it daily.

How does this help?

-- I learned how much sodium DOES affect me. I can "gain" up to 2 pounds literally overnight after a high-sodium day. Even if I drink a significant amount of water.

-- I learned that my monthly cycle can affect me up to a week and a half before it actually begins.

-- I learned about normal fluctuations in weight by looking back and seeing patterns.

-- I learned that the number on the scale is JUST a number.

I log more than my weight. I log my mood and my schedule, so it gives me good idea of how everything fits together. Maybe it comes from my tendency to make lists, but a daily log keeps me focused in a way that weekly doesn't.

Several weeks ago I decided to listen to The Experts who say that daily weigh-ins are ridiculous. I actually did this on two different, non-consecutive weeks. During one week I stayed almost the same. I lost less than half a pound. During the other week I gained. I really think that the two minutes that it takes me to weigh, log, and jot notes is not just about a number on the scale; it's a two-minute time for me to evaluate and focus.

The Experts aren't always right, and I should learn not to second-guess myself.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Weighing in

Subtitled RAWR! and ARGH!

This week I had a .6 pound gain! Is this what a plateau is like? I've been hovering right around this weight for about two weeks. Well, actually a month if I consider the weigh in before the trip to see my family. ME NO LIKEY!

This has happened before, but I really thought it was just that I wasn't logging my food intake properly or not exercising as much. That isn't it this time because I HAVE been weighing and logging my meals, and I have been under my calorie goals all but two days (I went over by a total of 400 calories). My exercise level has been consistent as well. ARGH!

If this is like the other times, I'll probably move past it in about a week or so, which is great, but it sure won't get me any closer to my 12-Week Sprint goal.


Monday, August 1, 2011

12-Week Sprint: Week 10

YIKES. Week 10 already! This summer has gone by too quickly.

Fitness: Not bad, not bad. Continuing with walking an average of 26 miles a week. I also did a "cardio dance" DVD, but I didn't really care for it. That surprised me because I love to dance. But alas, maybe I'll just keep dancing on my own. :) This week I'm adding something a little different -- roller skating. I am wondering if I ought to be a little worried about this.

Nutrition: Mostly the same, although I did splurge on a few things (namely Mexican food and barbecue). I've been adding more fish into my diet. As always, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Yesterday at a birthday party, I found I was craving the watermelon, not the pizza. VICTORY!

Motivation: This probably ought to be a separate post. I've been reading, reading, reading. Most recently, this one:

In the interest of full disclosure, I am not a fan of Huckabee. I liked the title. The book doesn't really say more than any other "get healthy" book out there, but there are a few really good nuggets that I took from it. The two biggies are how my healthier outlook affects others (both positively and a perceived negative) and how certain actions can provide a "reason" for failure. All things I've heard before, but those really stood out in this presentation.

This week: Keep on keepin' on. To meet my goal for the Sprint, I'll need to lose 12 pounds in 3 weeks. Eh, it might be possible, but I don't see it as probable OR healthy, so I won't be doing anything drastic just to reach it. Going like things have been, I might be able to do half of it though. I'll just keep at it and see how far I get!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weighing in

Do you ever have those weeks where you're doing the right things, but it doesn't feel worthwhile? That was exactly what I had this week. I ate properly. I exercised as usual. But there was no joy in it, none at all, culminating yesterday to have a horrible, emotional day. Just wretched. Rotten mood, rotten attitude.

As a result, I didn't expect much on the scale this morning. I was shocked (and thrilled) that it showed a .6 pound loss! Truly astonished because I didn't FEEL like my efforts were worthwhile this week. That brings my total weight loss to 43.6 pounds.

I really needed that little boost, and my workout today felt so good, so productive. I'm grateful.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I have two real-life people who are in on my weight-loss goals. Aside from my household, of course. One of those people is my brother, who was actually (kinda-sorta) the person who inspired me in the first place.

He was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes a couple of years ago, and he started walking. Doctor's orders. We had discussed the diabetes, the walking, and the 25 pounds he ended up losing as a result. I think that was the point that made me realize it was not only for looks to shed my extra pounds, it was a necessity. My brother was 41 years old, carrying around probably 80 extra pounds, and in poor health. That was going to be me if I didn't do something about it.

It took another year for me to move from thinking to doing, but I did eventually. And I started reporting in to my brother. He is supposed to be losing weight too, so I was using it as an accountability factor for myself.

The point to all of this is that my brother knows I've been changing my eating habits, exercising regularly, and losing weight. As I've mentioned before, I don't talk about it to people, so it is kind of a Big Deal that he knows.

That's why I was shocked, absolutely shocked, when we were at a snack counter together during my visit, and he said, "We need two cookies for a couple of fatties." I was too shocked to say anything. I'm still shocked because I don't think he had ever in his life called me fat before then. EVER. This was the boy who was as thin as a board while I struggled and struggled with weight issues, who was my best friend despite my "fat kid" status, whose "popular kid" status kept me in the thick of things despite my tendency to be overweight and geeky.

He meant it as a joke. I shrugged it off at the time, but I've been thinking about it lately. Strangely, I'm wasn't angry about it. I wasn't even really upset. Shocked, yes, but I don't think I felt more than that. I still don't. He's still my best friend.

But why would he say that, when he knew that I had been working to change things? Now, two weeks later, I wonder if he is threatened by or afraid of my accomplishment. That sounds so strange to say that. It really does, but that's the only thing that makes sense to me, especially since he has never, ever been inconsiderate or insensitive in that way before.

I still need to mull it over a bit.

We had gone to TGI Friday's for lunch, and I had such a hard time finding something to eat that I just got what sounded good. BAD CHOICE. And I split a dessert with my husband. I knew the dessert was a bad decision. Anyone would! But I was honest and logged them into My Fitness Pal account like a good little logger, and I was 650 calories in the red. IN THE RED. The day had been busy. I hadn't exercised at all, and oh yeah, it showed. My normal workouts only log about 400 calories burned, which meant I would need to put in TWO workouts to get it back to green. And have any sort of snack!

I still had more to do after our late lunch (which ended at 3 pm), but later that night I decided that I wasn't going to bed with that counter still red. So I pulled out my stuff and started in. I tend to zone out and think about other things while I am working out, and for some reason this moment, this comment was there. I hadn't thought about it in two weeks, but I let it be my motivation last night. Held it in front and made it my reason for sweating.

That calorie counter was in the green when I went to bed, and I felt a huge sense of accomplishment.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Weighing in

This week was all about getting back to my normal habits. Truthfully, it wasn't easy. I was more tired than I expected from the trip, and I ended up feeling like I had gotten beaten up. That lasted from Wednesday to Saturday!

My eating habits returned easily. I suppose it isn't hard when the refrigerator is stocked with the healthy stuff. But my workout habits took a while. I didn't get what I consider a "real" workout until Sunday, then I ended up missing Monday's workout entirely because of various appointments. This life thing just gets in the way sometimes.

So I am absolutely thrilled that I lost 2.2 pounds this week!

That brings my total weight loss to 43 pounds. WOW! I never would have believed this was possible a year ago, which was actually 6 months AFTER I had decided I was tired of all of this extra weight I was carrying around.

Onward and on track ....

Saturday, July 16, 2011


"Pictures are deceiving and don't show progress, determination, and inspiration."

-- tbennett98 on My Fitness Pal

I was looking through old photos not long ago, and they aren't pretty. My current photos DON'T show as much progress as I 'd like, and they sure don't show the change in mind-set.

Pictures don't show the multifaceted dimensions of change.  Because so much of the change is within, they simply can't. It is so easy to forget that when looking at pictures though.

This past weekend I took a photo with my wonderful grandmother at her 87th birthday party. She looks lovely, and I ... I don't look the way I feel. It saddened me. But I put the picture up anyway because I love my sweet grandmother. Instead of looking at the photo and feeling disappointment, I really ought to be looking at it and seeing the bigger smile and the more comfortable stance. And the potential. Always the potential.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sometimes I just have to laugh

Laugh and shake it off.

I've been focused on taking better care of myself for almost a year now, six months of that with a specific weight-loss goal in mind. I've lost just over 40 pounds. I feel better, more energetic, and I know what I'm doing. I feel stronger and smarter. I haven't really shared much with people because ... I just don't do that. I am a very private person, and I just don't feel comfortable with it.

However, it seems as if now people are noticing and commenting. While I love the "you look good!" comments, they still make me a little uncomfortable. And I could certainly do without the "don't you think you could do better/more if you would just [insert THEIR favorite sport/fad diet]." That's the part I have to shake off.

I don't play baseball because I DON'T LIKE IT.

I am not interested in the Atkins diet because I DON'T THINK IT'S GOOD FOR ME.

I don't run a 9-minute mile because I'M NOT READY.

I am not interested in having a shake for my meals because I FIND IT BORING.

Sheesh. Lay off already.

When people ask, I tell the truth -- that I've started walking regularly and paying attention to what I eat. I don't find it necessary to go into the details of how I got to that point, how I count calories for everything, how I walk and log my miles. It has been a long road I've walked (literally, in a way) to get rid of that 40 pounds.

I visited my family (500 miles away) last week, and quite honestly the best comment came from my uncle. He is ... honest. He is never intentionally hurtful, but occasionally his comments sting because he IS honest about what he says. I was standing talking to my aunt and uncle, and my aunt asked the "have you lost weight?" question that I dread. I replied, "A bit. I've started walking regularly, about 4 or 5 miles a day." (While 40 pounds is more than "a bit" of weight, I still have more to go for my goal, and I'd prefer not to get into that with other people.) My aunt went on a bit, gushing. My uncle just nodded his head and said, "Yep. That's the best way to go at it. It isn't fast and flashy, but you're more likely to stick with it." I think that's the best compliment I could have gotten.

I've found something that I enjoy doing, and that has made all the difference. I was walking 20 miles a week for months before I started changing my diet. I was losing very slowly, but more importantly, I was becoming aware of calories = energy and how it affects my body.

It's a journey, and everyone has his or her OWN path. Personally, I'd rather just have the slow-and-steady loss because I am afraid that "fast and flashy" will just make me crash and burn.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weighing in

This wasn't a good weight-week. I gained 1.6 pounds. YUCK. I'm not thrilled, but at the same time I'm not overly displeased.

We spent the entire last week traveling (as in, I rolled into my driveway at 1:15 this morning), and traveling is always difficult for weight loss. Of course, some of it was just bad decisions I made and knew I was making them at the time. Anyone knows that a chili cheese dog and onion rings from the Sonic aren't exactly the best food choices, but I had them anyway. Plus, we had a big family party all weekend .... You get the idea.

Still, my parents' neighbor has a big pool, and I spent a couple of hours in there every day that I could. That was the only real exercise I got though. There is a walking/bike trail less than a block away from my parents' house, but it was too hot to go on it. At 112 degree heat index, it just seemed dangerous.

So, indulging in food that I don't normally eat + no real exercise time = weight gain. I was hoping for anything less than 2 pounds though, and I'm pleased that I managed that!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Weighing in

I had high hopes for today. The week felt good, and I'm thrilled to report that I lost 1.8 pounds! That makes my total lost 42.4 pounds! I'm still a little in shock that I've made it this far. Also, I never measured myself until last month, so I've no idea where I began on the inches, but I lost three inches in my waist between June 1 and July 1, so YAY!!

This week will be rough with the traveling. I'm a bit anxious about it actually, since I won't be able to exercise, and I'll have no control over food preparations. EEK.

Monday, July 4, 2011

12-Week Sprint: Week 6

Holey schamoley. It's Week 6 already! (No Week 5 recap from me last week because I was simply too busy.) So, we're at the halfway point, and according to my step on the scale this morning, I'm 15 pounds from my goal. Hmm. Losing 15 pounds in 6 weeks. That's a lofty goal, as it as taken me about 5 months to lose 20 pounds, but I'll see how close I can get anyway.

Fitness: I'm back to my 25-30 miles a week. I found a couple of new DVDs at the thrift store this weekend (at the big half-price sale!), and I'm looking forward to giving them a try.

Nutrition: Few problems there. I am using My Fitness Pal to log, and I haven't had much trouble staying within my goal. Some days I have trouble eating all of my calories though, which seems really strange.

Motivation: Currently reading:

Very fun, interesting, easy read. Lots of fast food included. While I'm not really a fan of eating out so much, it IS good to be informed, especially since we travel so very often. My husband is reading it as well, and he is quite enjoying it.

So, onto this week. We are traveling south, so I'll have to put some of the things from that book into practice. I won't be able to walk like I normally do, and I won't be able to cook my own meals. I am not expecting to LOSE much this week, but I am hoping to maintain at the very least.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weighing in

Today's weigh in was slightly disappointing. I weighed in at losing .6 pounds. I was really going for a 1-pound loss, but alas, I didn't quite make it. But a loss is a loss!

Still, that makes my total weight lost at 40.6 pounds, and that's nothing to scoff about.

I bought new clothes this weekend. Just a pair of capris, a pair of workout pants, and a few shirts. All of my old clothes were getting noticeably big. The shirts fell off of my shoulders, and the pants were so baggy that they were literally falling off of me. I was really reluctant to buy anything though. I'm not sure why, as they weren't frivolous purchases, but I was. Still, it was nice that I went down two sizes in shirts and three sizes in pants. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Weighing in

Well, this week was really, really rough. I've had three major hurdles in the past 6 days. Today, finally, I feel as if I'm back together. I hope it stays.

So when I got on the scale, I was really just hoping for any loss. Anything at all.

I lost .2 lbs! Even though that is absolutely the SMALLEST amount I could have lost, I am pleased that I lost anything at all. And that puts me at exactly 40 pounds lost. FORTY POUNDS. Wow. That's like losing a preschooler. That itself is motivating to me. It's just astonishing, actually, because I never thought I could do it.

And really, the secret is just watch what you eat and get exercise. It's so simple, but it took me forever to get to that point. It isn't quick and easy. It's emotionally challenging, hot, sweaty, and occasionally really difficult. But it's worth it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

12-Week Sprint: Week 4

This week was crap. There you have it! It started off well enough, then took a huge turn south on Thursday when I had to tell my son that a friend of his had died. In addition, I have been sick since Friday. On Saturday and Sunday especially, I felt just horrible. I ended up taking a 3.5 hour nap on Saturday, and that is just unheard-of for me.

Fitness:  I've only walked about 17 miles in the past 7 days. That's at least 10 miles under what I normally have done. I tried to walk yesterday, but after just one mile I started feeling bad and decided to wait another day.

Nutrition:  This part wasn't bad, as I was under my calorie goals every day except Saturday.

Motivation:  Again, Thursday was a turning point, as I needed to focus on my son. I finished reading Mindless Eating, and I haven't started another book yet.

This week is about regrouping. I do still have a particularly stressful day coming up tomorrow, but I'll just have to work past it. I'm going to move myself back into walking, and possibly doing some of my fitness DVDs. I like them, but I hate to do too much too soon. I'll be starting another book as well, but I need to go to the library and find one!

Friday, June 17, 2011


We all have them. I probably have a lion's share. But a few of them are really working for me in my journey to a healthier life.

I don't like to touch my food.

There. I said it. I can't stand touching my food when I'm eating, even things like pizza or burgers or fries. How does this help? Since I'm using a knife and fork any old way, I take the top bun off of any sandwich. I've done this before but never consistently. Those top-bun calories aren't much, but I don't miss them. Right now it's all about changing my habits to a comfortable, livable, healthy level, and if I don't miss that small bit, it's not likely to come back.

I don't like salad dressings.

Again, I've never liked them. As a result, I didn't eat salads very often. Now I use about a tablespoon of olive salad or tabbouleh for the dressing. Not a typical salad dressing, but it has great flavor, doesn't weigh the salad down, and it makes me much more likely to make the salads.

I don't make many fried foods.

I do make heavy foods. Or I did. But my many years working at a comedy club has mostly cured me of fried foods. Oh, I've definitely made unhealthy choices, but that isn't a regular one.

I do like to cook.

I like to experiment in the kitchen ~ much to my family's dismay at times ~ but I'm a creative cook. I'm not afraid of trying different things, and I am not intimidated by new foods.

I do like a combination of flavors.

I've been using that to my advantage, particularly in making my salads. I like a little unexpected flavor, like blueberries or pineapple or even chopped prunes in an otherwise savory salad. It allows me to add all sorts of vitamin-rich foods into one meal. Plus, it's just plain fun. I spend a good 30 minutes making my lunch most days, just looking through, seeing what I can find. I love it.

Changes are only going to stick if I can make them my strengths.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Daily diary, June 16


Fiber One Oat & Peanut Butter bar
Coffee with stevia and creamer


Baby carrots
Cheese cubes


Black Pepper Chicken
Mixed Veg


Peanut Butter M&Ms

**Well, today was wretched. Emotionally. But I did come in under my calorie goals, even with the M&Ms. Tomorrow will be better.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Daily diary, June 15


Toast with butter
Quaker squares with almond milk
Coffee with stevia and creamer


Garlic "breadsticks"




Healthy Choice fudge bar

**BAH. Dinner was a wretched choice. I've no excuse for it. The lunch was fantastic though. I made my own version of garlic "breadsticks" or "croutons" from a Flat Out 100-calorie wrap with a spritz of olive oil, some garlic and Italian herbs. Baked on 375 degrees for about 7 minutes. They were tasty, tasty. So tasty that my children came through and ate about half of them before I shoo'd them out of the kitchen. But I've apparently found a nice not-horrible-for-them snack!

Weighing in


I lost 3 pounds this week! That makes my total lost 39.8. This week I wasn't confident. My exercise had been the same (mostly), but I just wasn't sure how things would end up, especially after the two fast-food sandwiches and the specialty shop ice cream. If there is anything that this new mindfulness has taught me, it's that ice cream really is my weakness. 

Eating out was pretty normal, except for the Chick-fil-a visit. We aren't near that area much, so if we are, I like to stop in. They're building one near us (YAY!!), so I won't have that just-because urge to stop after that. I hope. Chick-fil-a is pretty darn good.

I splurged this week on a haircut. My hair was below my shoulders, right at the middle of my shoulder blades. It's now to my ears, and I love it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Daily diary, June 14


Coffee with stevia and creamer
Honey Sunshine cereal with almond milk


Arby's Jr Roast Beef sandwich
Loaded potato bites


Protein Plus smoothie + flax


Hershey's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream

**It was an odd day. The morning was as usual, then around lunchtime my to-do list exploded, so we spent the entire afternoon (until 6 pm!) on the run. As far as fast food goes, the Arby's Jr Roast Beef isn't bad. Only 210 calories for the whole sandwich. We won't discuss the loaded potato bites. LOL! I wasn't all that hungry at dinner, so I just had the smoothie and was satisfied with it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Daily diary, June 13


Coffee with stevia and creamer
Protein Plus strawberry smoothie + flax




Chick-fil-a sandwich
Fruit cup



**No, the Chick-fil-a sandwich wasn't the best choice, but I don't regret it. :)

12-Week Sprint: Week 3

Technically the title is "12-Week Sprint to the Finish" but I'm nowhere near my finish, so I'm just dropping the "finish" part.

Fitness: I am probably most proud of this one. My main form of exercise is walking. I walk about 30 miles a week. I like it, and it's easy enough that I do it often. (This is key for me.) But this week I challenged myself and put in a Tae Bo DVD I had found at the thrift shop. I've had it for a while, probably 9 months or so, and I had never tried it because I was scared. I mean, real workout people do those workouts. I'm an overweight goob who has never exercised in her life. Here's the thing: I ROCKED IT. I am so proud!!! Was I perfect? No. I didn't expect to be, but I stepped out and challenged myself, and that is what pleases me most.

Nutrition: Slow and steady wins the race here. I'm still figuring out what is worth the calorie expense and what is not, but I am consistently under my calorie goals.

Motivation: Reading. Reading, reading, reading. I've been collecting quotes and reading a few blog posts. Also, my current book:

GOOD STUFF, my people. GOOD STUFF. Lots of statistical information -- I'm kind of a nerd and I like that -- but not so much that it should put non-nerdy people off. It is just a fascinating look at how we eat and how everything from marketing to packaging to our companions affect our behaviors. I'm about 2/3 through it, and so far I would highly recommend it.

So that sums up my week. I don't seem to have a problem with the nutrition or the motivation part, so this week I'm going to focus on continuing with my walking and add in a few more of those challenging workouts.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Daily diary, June 12


Coffee with stevia and creamer
South Beach Peanut Butter bar


Wendy's chili
Vanilla Frosty


Quinoa/flax cakes


Trader Joe's Triple Ginger Snaps
Almond milk

**MAN, I was snacky in the evening! And I tried everything I could to curb it, but finally I broke down and had the cookies and milk. I didn't want to (and couldn't!) go wild because I didn't exercise at all today. Something needs to change about my weekend exercise. Specifically, I need to make time for it!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Daily diary, June 11


Cinnamon Burst Cheerios with almond milk
Coffee with stevia and creamer


Turkey dog
Steamed broccoli


Sirloin steak
Steamed vegetables (Normandy blend)


Funnel cake (3 bites)

**Eating was decent, but the only workout I did was dancing with my daughter, then walking around a carnival. Of course, I did have some serious dance moves going on, so I probably did have a calorie burn for that, but it wasn't a "real" workout. Weekends don't have a real schedule, so I end up trying to fit it in. It doesn't always happen, and I need to be far more consistent about that.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Daily diary, June 10


Quaker squares cereal with almond milk
Coffee with stevia and creamer


Turkey dog
Quinoa/flax cakes


Salmon burger
Quinoa/flax cakes
Artichoke garlic salsa
Steamed broccoli


Reese's Peanut Butter ice cream

**The salmon burger was a new item, and it was delicious! My day didn't go as planned at all. A major storm rolled in early, so I was up at 4:45 am comforting the dogs, then I was on the phone almost all morning due to one thing or another. Because of all that, I didn't get in the really good workout I wanted -- boo! -- so I'm feeling kind of blah about the day overall although I came in under my calorie goal.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Daily diary, June 9


Quaker squares cereal with almond milk
Coffee with stevia and creamer


Quinoa with sweet potatoes and zucchini
Caprese salad




Trader Joe's Trek Mix granola bar
Healthy Choice fudge bar

**I did a different workout today, and I was STARVING afterward. I probably should have added a protein to the lunch (after workout), but I didn't even think about it at the time.

Motivational Quote

"If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done."

A quick Google search attributes it to Drina Reed, although I read it without an attribution several weeks ago and have been thinking about it since.

Those are true words! Only once before in my life have I lost weight. Why? Because I went to college, absolutely hated the food, and survived on the salad bar and cereal. Most people gain weight their freshman year. I lost 30 pounds.

That year was the only time I've ever really changed my eating habits. The rest of the time, I ate typical Southern food. Fried, buttered, and lots of it. And in addition, I didn't get out and DO much.

I don't like sports.
I don't take the heat well.
I have a tendency to laziness, although I like to think of it as inertia (a body at rest tends to stay at rest ...) because it sounds better.

Those are all facts, so obviously something had to change. I had to get over the "but I LIKE fried foods!" and the "but I HATE exercise!" There's no way around it.

Do something you NEED to do to make the changes you WANT. It's as simple as that.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Daily diary, June 8


Cinnamon Burst Cheerios with almond milk


Italian beef
Quinoa/flax cakes


Caprese salad


Healthy Choice fudge bar

**I think Caprese salad is probably my favorite summer recipe. It's in the top 5, at the very least. Feeling very good about the day, especially since the weigh in was great! The Italian beef was the half-sandwich I had left from last night. It was quick, and it went surprisingly well with the guacamole and quinoa/flax cake side.

Weighing in

I wasn't sure what to expect this morning since I did eat such a heavy meal last night. I'm thrilled to report that I lost 3.4 pounds! GO ME! That makes my total lost 36.8 pounds! ::happy dance::

Overall I'm fairly pleased with my food choices, even considering the meals out. We ate out far more than usual this week due to one thing or another. I like to cook, so I'm hoping to get back into the kitchen this week. I rearranged the pantry yesterday, so I brought a few things to the front that had gotten pushed back and forgotten.

This weekend (on the mall trip with my daughter) I bought a new pair of capris. This is news. I'm not a "clothes" person, but it seems that shopping is inevitable because nothing fits any more. I'm constantly having to pull up my pants, and my shirts are just loose and frumpy. Yet I'm reluctant to buy clothes because I'm not done! So I'll make do with my loose clothes for now, plus those new capris. It's summer, so frumpy is a little more socially acceptable. Once the summer sales hit, I might be down another 10 pounds or so and feel a little better about splurging on a few new things.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Daily diary, June 7


Coffee with stevia and creamer
Pineapple coconut yogurt
Ezekiel 4:9 Cinnamon Raisin bread


Progresso Three-Bean Chili


Italian beef
Cheese fries



**All I can say is THANK GOODNESS I ate light for lunch. Unintentionally, really. I was busy and didn't do more than eat a bowl of the chili. My daughter had her first art class this evening, and we decided to stop in at a local place. I only ate about half of the sandwich and half of the fries before I started getting full. And when I got to that point, I just stopped. YAY ME. Heavier than I would have normally eaten, but I'm pleased that I regulated myself.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Daily diary, June 6


Coffee with stevia and creamer
Cinnamon Burst Cheerios with almond milk


Cheese pizza
Steamed broccoli


Boca burger
Sugar snap peas
Cheese cubes


Panera Bread pastry
Healthy Choice fudge bar

**Today was Chuck E Cheese because I promised my daughter. Not even good pizza. I had a super small slice and filled up on fruit. I'm probably a little addicted to those Healthy Choice fudge bars. I love them.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Daily diary, June 5


Coffee with stevia and creamer
Cinnamon Burst Cheerios with almond milk


Salad with chicken


Supreme pizza
Quinoa with sweet potatoes and zucchini
Steamed broccoli
Almond milk


Homemade chocolate chip cookies

**I knew I shouldn't have baked those cookies. But MY WORD they were good. I promptly took the rest to a neighborhood pool party. :-D

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Daily diary, June 4


Coffee with stevia and creamer
Quaker Squares cereal with milk


(Panda Express)
Black Pepper Chicken
Steamed veggies


Supreme pizza


Whonu chocolate cookies
Healthy Choice fudge bar

**I feel like a SCHMUCK for eating out twice in one day. Seriously. I don't like that. My daughter and I had a day out, and she asked for Panda Express. My husband brought dinner home from our favorite pizza joint because he was in Chicago anyway. TASTY.

**Additional note: Those Whonu cookies are EXCELLENT. They taste exactly like Oreos. I was looking for a good alternative to the usual junk food. We have a snack allotment, and the children love those cookies. The Whonu cookies taste exactly the same, and they at least have some nutritional value. WIN! I am a convert.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Daily diary, June 3


Coffee with stevia and creamer
Quaker Squares cereal with milk


Turkey sandwich with spinach and muffalata olive salad


Baked fish
Rice pilaf
Roasted asparagus
Steamed broccoli and cauliflower


Orchard Pear yogurt
Healthy Choice fudge bar

**Feeling good. My daughter shocked me by eating half of the asparagus. The last time I made it, she declared that it was AWFUL. This time she loved it.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Daily diary, June 2


Orchard Pear yogurt
Coffee with stevia and creamer


Turkey sandwich with spinach and muffalata olive salad


Hash browns
French toast
Pecan pie (two bites ~ I swear!)


Reese's Peanut Butter ice cream

**BIG SIGH. We had an unplanned dinner out (Baker's Square), which has pretty much NO healthy option except soup. I just wasn't feeling the soup. So I went for the full-on meal, although I only ate about half. I really should have skipped my evening snack because of that, but obviously I didn't.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Daily diary, June 1


Fiber One Oats & Peanut Butter bar
Coffee with stevia and creamer


Chicken stir fry with whole wheat lo mein


Salad with baked chicken
Coffee with stevia and creamer


Trader Joe's pita puffs
Healthy Choice fudge bar

**Feeling pretty good about the day! Snacking is a weakness, but I kept it in check pretty well. Those pita puffs help because a serving is 30 puffs. They satisfy the crunchy/salty craving without being horrible for me.

Small back story

January 2010: We got home from my daughter's birthday party, and I felt miserable. Right then, I decided that I had to make some changes. Of course, I was in the middle of moving at the time. Things DID change, but not as fast as I wanted. My husband had already "moved" and was living in a hotel in our new area. We still had to choose a house, and we had to sell our old one. It was chaotic.

Even with all of that, I lost about 10 pounds, and I felt better. Not great, but better.

March 2010: We closed on our new house (YAY!) and moved in at the end of March. It was so nice to be living with my husband again! We had been apart for about 7 months by then.

April 2010: Various commitments kept us traveling almost the whole month, so I didn't actively do anything, but I didn't gain anything back either.

Summer 2010: Aaaaaah! Summer! I started to get a bit more serious about the losing weight thing, and I ended up losing another 7 pounds or so.

Fall 2010: Oh dear. I stalled. Badly. Again, I didn't GAIN anything, but I sure didn't lose anything either.

Winter 2010-2011: My groove was back. I started counting calories and exercising daily. What a HUGE difference!! I felt motivated and better than ever!

Spring 2011: Hmmm. Spent almost all of March traveling, and I hit a slump. I've been losing and gaining the same 3 pounds since the beginning of April. That will stop!

So here it is ~ June 1. I'm currently down about 35 pounds, rebooting and going strong! Planning to be 20 pounds down by mid-August. Here we go!