Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Dreaded Driver's License

Show of hands: How many of you have fibbed the weight on your driver's license? ("Lied" is such an ugly word.)

::raising hand::

In the interest of full disclosure, the weight I had listed was the last weight I knew. I just stopped getting on the scale and really had no idea. But it was still a fib because I knew I didn't weigh that!

With some discipline and hard work, I can make that driver's license weight a reality by the end of November. Although -- amusingly! -- last year when I got my license renewed, I put my real weight. It was yet another physical reminder of my reality, a way for me to face the facts. Now I'm over 30 pounds down from that weight. My son says that the photo doesn't even look like me now.

So that is my next goal, to get to that fibbed-for-many-years weight. I'm four pounds away.

I break my goals down into 5-pound increments because when I'm looking at the big picture, it seems insurmountable. And it isn't. I always have to remember that!

1 comment:

  1. Guilty! I renew my license next year. Maybe I will have a lower weight to report, too.
