Monday, August 8, 2011

12-Week Sprint: Week 11

Almost at the end, the last week push-through!

Fitness: Not as consistent as in past weeks. Part of that is due to obligations, but not all of it. I think I'm getting bored with doing nothing but walking. I'd like to move some strength exercises in, but to be honest, I don't have a clue how or what to do. Tomorrow is a library day, so I am going to look for a book on strength exercises.

Nutrition: Nothing new to report on foods. I do think that logging my intake has really helped me recognize the calorie cost for various foods. At first I changed what I was eating because of the calories. Now I think my tastes are changing. I'm more accustomed to fresher, lighter foods, and the heavy fare isn't really as appetizing. But it has the added bonus of being healthier! Also, I've noticed that I never reach the daily recommended amount for calcium. The most I have even gotten is 70%, and that was with actively trying. Usually it's closer to 40%. Not good considering that I am a ::gulp:: middle-aged woman! I'll be trying to get that number up to 75% -- consistently.

Motivation: Haven't read anything health-and-fitness related this week. (Or at least if I DID, it didn't stick with me and isn't worth mentioning.) My motivation this week has come from recognizing -- and enjoying! -- the new-found freedom I have. Do I really have more freedom? Probably not, but it FEELS like it. I am willing to do more, and even push myself a bit in the process.

This week: You know it. Just keep on keepin' on. Just with more calcium!

1 comment:

  1. The library is my best friend for fitness DVDs. I hope you find something you like. I have this ball DVD that uses weights and is very good. Also the Biggest Loser workout with weights is pretty challenging. I wonder if either have samples on YouTube that you could try? I think keeping things interesting are key for me!
