Thursday, August 11, 2011

Moving forward

Yesterday's weigh-in stunk, but I've got nothing to blame but my own lack of motivation.

When the urchins and I were out shopping, I came across some small hand weights at Five Below. I probably looked like a fool, standing there trying out the 1 pound vs. the 2 pound! I decided on the 2 pound, got two of them, and used them today. I did my usual 4-mile walk -- which has become sort of my standard -- and I really liked them. It felt more challenging, and I changed up a couple of the moves to incorporate the weights a little better.

It was a challenge getting in a workout at all because of scheduling, and every time I tried I was thwarted in some way. In fact, I had actually started around 3:30 and 7 minutes into it, I remembered that my son had art class, and we were already 5 minutes late leaving! We dropped everything and rushed off. By the time we got back, I really should have started dinner, but the children wanted to play outside anyway. I let them and used that time.

Yesterday's exercise epiphany is what made me FIND the time. I think on a "normal" day, I would have just let it go. This determination needs to be the new normal.


  1. It has to be scheduled like any other non-negotiable thing, like brushing your teeth. :-) I am impressed that you can do a 4 mile. I tried a 3 mile and about died. Maybe after I get through this 6 week thing with Biggest Loser I can do a 4 mile. Adding weights is a good idea. I am thinking about resistance bands that I saw last week at a sports resale shop.

  2. I've thought about resistance bands too, but I've not gotten to more than thinking about it. LOL. I do have the stretchie band that came with a Leslie Sansone DVD, and I do like it, especially on the 3-mile walk.

    And FWIW, when I started, it was all I could do to manage the 1-mile walk. Honestly. I'd get to the end and sink to the floor in a quivering mess. I just kept at it, and I did more as I could. There wasn't a schedule for it or anything, just as I felt I could handle it. Once I was able to do the 3-mile, it felt like a piece of cake to do the 4. I guess because you're starting to cool down at that point?

    I know I should (regularly) do more than walk, but I am a creature of habit. I like doing it because it's familiar. KWIM? But at the same time, I know my body is probably used to it, so the weights help kick it up a little bit. I felt it too because I was really tired at the end of the day, more than I normally would have been.
